Saturday 22 August 2015

Ukelele Hooley

 What a day! 
Ok so firstly I woke up at 5am...not good...thankfully I fell back asleep until 9.17am precisely.  I think I was overtired from yesterday (staff charity abseil).
After a quick breakfast I headed into town to meet Enid.   Before meeting her I nipped off and checked a chore off my to do list - I scooted into the NCI for their open day and got some info on a course I am enrolling for in September.
I then met Enid!
The plan was to head out to Dun Laoghaire on the Dart to check out Ukulele Hooley.  Enid was saying that a lot of the events had been on that morning and then more on in the evening so there mightn't be much going on when we got out there.  We figured we'd go out anyway today just to enjoy the nice vibe that is Dun Laoghaire...and we'll go again tomorrow to the ukulele stuff.
"I hopped on the bus Dart to Dun Laoghaire, stopping off to pick up my guitar ukulele"
We pottered around Dun Laoghaire which is a really nice Victorian port town. Did a bit of shopping and watched some model/remote control boats and some real life sailing boats...that kind of thing. 
And then we went and visited the Lexicon which we've both wanted to see for a while.  It's pretty cool and while I would have said that I'm really not fond of its brutalist design, after seeing the inside I like it a lot better now. 
The weather was getting a bit rainy and windy and we were ready for (late) lunch so we headed back into town on the Dart. 
First we went to a music shop where Enid bought a really cool bag for her ukulele.
And then we went to lunch .  We went to Pitt Bros, I hadn't been for ages so really enjoyed it (as usual).
 It was announced during the week that Brown Thomas had opened their Christmas shop... as Enid just loooooooooooves Christmas we couldn't be in town without going there.
She was in her element!
She bought these two beautiful decorations - the one on the right for her, the one on the left for me.  Thank you Enid :-)
Seriously have you ever seen such a happy head as this!
We did a huge amount of walking!!!  We were wrecked.  So rather than going straight home I went with Enid to hers and we got in the hot tub.  I got a bus home at about 9pm this eve.
More fun stuff tomorrow with Ukulele Hooley part 2.


  1. Hello from Spain: I really like your photos. Your post is very interesting. Keep in touch.

  2. So happy I visited the Christmas Shop!
