Wednesday 16 September 2015

A great little read! An oldie but a goodie

 Just outside the door of my local library they have this cool little bookcrossing shelf where you can take and leave books (and register them for bookcrossing if you choose).
Last week I picked up a copy of a book that I read years and years ago and remembered really enjoying it.
How "80's" does the book cover look! It was published in 1985.
I started reading it on the train into work this morning and then finished it at lunchtime. I am a quick reader and it also was so enjoyable.  The epitome of a page turner - I actually was dying for my lunchtime to come so that I could read it!
In the tradition of bookcrossing I shall now send this book on it's merry way - I hope someone out there enjoys it as much as I did.

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