General Election day yesterday and I was up early to vote - I headed over at about 9am where as they say "voting was brisk"
I then met Enid at the towncentre at 9.30am and we walked over to our friends house for a lovely breakfast.

How beautiful was Svetlana's table setting?!
Our hostess made the most beautiful pancakes. I was watching for tips and noticed that she was using a much thinner batter than I would have thought possible and swirled it around the pan, plus cooked it at a lower temperature. I guess more like a crepe. I am going to try make them like this next time I cook pancakes.
We had a lovely morning chatting. And then for reasons I know not we took some photos of ourselves and a large chimp teddy bear. Lol :-)
I reckon a large chimp is the perfect accessory for making oneself look thin. I need to carry this guy around all the time.
Afterwards Enid and I went into town where I called to the Irish Rail taxsaver office to get a replacement rail card because I have foolishly lost mine. I am still so mad with myself.
We then headed out of the city on the train - we went to both Blackrock and Dun Laoghaire (and had something to eat in Dun Laoghaire).
This is the view from the footbridge over the tracks in Blackrock train station. Down the left bottom hand of the photo is the old (19th century) Blackrock baths (outdoor public swimming pool)
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