Tuesday 24 April 2018

This blog post is brought to you by the letter "C"

Ugh why am I feeling so lazy about blogging?!
So just a little post about my busy Saturday...lots of stuff done, all related to the letter C!
First up Enid and I went out with our local Canal Clean up group
There's Enid leading our little gang of new volunteers we looked after for the morning
Then I headed off Canvassing with Enid in the Christchurch area,
Can you spot Senator Ivana Bacic in the front row? (3rd person on left, white top, navy trousers)
I had some eye opening Conversations with people on their doorsteps, this referendum is not won yet...

From there we jumped on the Luas on its new route (it's AWESOME) out to my sisters house for my nephew's Confirmation


How great was the weather!  Amazing for Ireland.  I was happy for us all, it was lovely having a family gathering where we could be out in the garden.
I can't think of a "C" for this!
Katie bought Enid and I a gift of some metal straws.  We have been saying for ages that we want to stop using plastic ones. 
And also Katie and I will bring these to Key West because a lot (most??) bars over there have stopped serving drinks with plastic straws. (Which reminds me, some pubs in Dublin are using paper straws instead of plastic.  Better for the environment but I really dislike the paper ones, so I'm interested to see how these metal ones work out)
Ok so see the Comments section of this blog.
I have been advised:
"Conservation of energy by reducing plastic production is your "C" for the metal straw!"


1 comment:

  1. Conservation of energy by reducing plastic production is your "C" for the metal straw!
