Sunday 2 March 2014

Irish homes featured in Ikea magazine

If you have been following my blog you may have seen that I was recently featured in the Ikea Live magazine.  If you have not seen the feature yet then check out the article on the Ikea Live Magazine website.

You might also be interested in seeing another Irish house which was recently featured - I follow a lovely blog by Ashling from Cavan and her house was featured last year.

Ashling's house feature in the Ikea magazine is here.
And if you like her style in the magazine you will love her All things nice 4 life blog which as the name suggests contains all kinds of niceness!

Happy Sunday all!


  1. I follow Aislings blog too! It's certainly full of all things nice.

  2. Thanks for posting about my wee blog :)

    All things nice...

  3. What a beautiful home you have!

    1. Aww thank you Lena. I do love Ikea :-) and I have tried mix it up with new and old (vintagey type stuff!).

  4. Your house is gorgeous! How fun to have it featured!!
