Thursday 21 January 2021


Two days ago I was in CVS....buying new foundation and razor blades....and perusing the aisle with all the Valentine's stuff. Whoa, that is a lot of tat!  Yay, I can't wait for Feb 14th!  Lol.  

Anyhoo.  I digress. At the end of the aisle they had a few tiny bits left over from Christmas reduced to like 89c each.  I noticed some nice Christmas face masks and threw them into my basket, thinking they would do for next year, I would put them in the shed with the Christmas decorations and I'd find them next year when needed.  But suddenly I was struck with the awful thought of what this meant....would we still be wearing masks in a year?  Surely not?? So I decided to think positive and put them back, hopeful that the vaccine would be widespread, that indeed I would have had the vaccine and that the masks would be no more by the end of 2021.

The other hugely optimistic thing was yesterday with the inauguration of President Biden and Vice President Harris. The last 4 years feel like a bad dream but the thoughts of tomorrow are already starting to erase the hideous memories.

Speaking of memories, I still remember what I went through 4 years ago when Trump won.  My sister wrote about her experience/memory of it in her blog here, and I have something similar. The count started and it was looking positive for Hillary Clinton, I was getting more and tired watching it in Ireland (remember the time difference) and eventually fell asleep.  At about 4 or 5 am Irish time I remember waking up and hurriedly switched on the tv to see what was happening, intending to watch for 5 minutes and then go back asleep for a few more hours before work.  Well,  I turn on and see Hillary Clinton and in my sleepy state, and based on what I had seen before I fell asleep, I interpret this as Hillary had won. So I quickly switch off and go back to sleep, delighted with the result and with a smile on my face.  You can surely imagine my disorientation, disquiet and upset when I wake up and see who actually won.  I felt like I was part of the twillight zone - how could this be??? I had seen Hillary win already.  What the heck was going on.  I am still not entirely sure but I think what I saw (and remember my drowsy, still asleep state) was Hillary doing her speech to concede, and my addled brain seeing something else. At the end of the day I still can't believe he won....  I still can't believe people voted for him in 2020  either.

But. I digress. That is all negative thought.  Today and tomorrow are days for positivity and optimism.  May the universe bless President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris!  They did it!  And now they have the job to do, and what a job that is, but they can do it, I know it.

For posterity, today I wore a new Lilly Pulitzer mask.  Let these be cast into history soon I hope... But for the meantime, can't beat a bit of bright coloured beachy Lilly!

Oh sure go on, here is another photo of me, wearing my Lilly earrings. 

I loooooove them

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