Thursday 12 March 2015

Blood drive

I attended the blood donation clinic today as part of a work blood drive .
The clinic is conveniently located right in the centre of the city about 5 minutes walk from my office.

It was pretty quiet so it wasn't long before I was sitting on their very comfortable reclining chairs.
As always there was trouble locating a vein in my arm but after a couple of tries the nurse managed to find one.  I was relieved about that as on occasions in the past I have not been able to give blood because of my small and disappearing veins!  

According to their records the last time I gave blood was in 2003!!!  I just could not believe this.  I knew it was a long time but I would have said maybe 6 or 7 years, not 12!!!

Blood donating is always a good excuse to eat junk food! 

As I said at the beginning of the post the clinic is located in the centre of town.  Here is the view from their window of O'Connell Street and The Dublin Spire
Quite a dirty old day in dear old dirty Dublin as you can see.


  1. That's a long time since you gave!!!

    I must ring them to see if they will let me donate :-(
