Sunday 16 November 2014

Operation Penneys aka The power of Facebook and Viber

I have been searching for the perfect boots for the last few weeks.  I cannot tell you the amount of boots I have tried on and I was getting really frustrated because none of them were like what I had in my head.

The good news is that although I do not actually have the boots in my possession yet, the search is over.
And all thanks to the power of facebook and viber!

Firstly I saw the fabulous Alison Canavan wearing my dream boots in a pic on her facebook page.
I posted on the picture and asked her where they were from.
"Penneys", she said!
"How long ago", I wondered, "I am heading to the Towncentre in the morning and hopefully they will be there".  Alison replied again and said she got them about 8 weeks ago.

In Blanchardstown (towncentre) there was good news and bad news.  The bad news was there were none in my size (5) :-(
Just rows and rows of size 3's and a few straggler size 8's.

The good news was the price - €24!

This afternoon I went in to town to check O'Connell Street and Mary Street branches.  
Again just size 3's everywhere.

Operation Penneys!
I sent a viber message to some friends to see if they had any in their local Penneys..

As it happened my friend was in Cork city anyway and said she'd go to Penneys.  There were only three pairs of them left (all size 3 of course!) and while the girl was checking the stock room she looked around and tucked in with different shoes she found, literally it seems, the last size 5 in Ireland!

We have a visual!
Stand down all agents.  Operation Penneys a success :-)

Just need to figure how to get them from Cork to Dublin now...!

1 comment:

  1. I've been searching everywhere for the very same boots but in the tan colour....same problem, nothing but size 3 everywhere and I'm a 4. If anyone sees a size 4 in these please get in touch as I'm desperate to get them. Thanks
