Blogger. Swimmer. Mid 20th Century Devotee. Twin. Reader. City Cycler. Irish abroad. Ex Dublin. Transplanted from Dublin to Key West. Follow me as I blog from this wonderful little island that I am lucky to call Home.
Monday 22 January 2024
New chairs...I sure will miss my vintage lovelies though :(
Tomahawk steak!
Sunday 14 January 2024
Work out wear
Key West Seafood Festival
Monday 8 January 2024
My tips for getting over the "January Blues"
1. Take down your Christmas decorations in phases i.e. not one big bang. I started the day after Stephen's day (Dec 26th) and first put all my Christmas crockery away. Then, day by day, little by little just started packing stuff away as it caught my eye (little stuff on shelves etc).
2. Going along with the above, take your tree ornaments down and leave a bare tree, just lights for a couple of days
3. Finally, your bare tree is the last thing to come down on Jan 2nd.
By doing the above you will avoid that Nought to One Hundred feel, of one day your house being lovely and Christmas decorated and the next, nothing but plain old ordinariness.
4. Little treats: Keep doing nice things/eating nice food for as long as you can: Eats
This year I kind of viewed the week of Jan 2-8 as "still Christmas" and while I did watch what I was eating during that week, my new year diet has just started in earnest today.
5. Start planning or thinking about nice things you have coming up in the next few months to create a little smile on your face/nice thoughts in your head.
6. Exercise! Good for the mind, soul and body. Just get out for a walk every day at least.
7. Meet a friend for coffee!
8. Avoid alcohol/drinking too much: hangovers are doubly bad in January in my experience
Anyone else got some other suggestions to keep those blues at bay?!