Where to start!
I've had the most maddest couple of days on the social front over the last few days. This is not normal I must say! And I probably won't be out for the next month. It just happened that a lot of things came up together on this one weekend.
Starting with:
Thursday morning I had a couple of appointments and some stuff to attend to. That afternoon I met Enid for lunch and we went to Beeftro on Balfe Street.
I cannot recommend the food enough, the steak was incredible, one of the best steaks I've had in Dublin for a while now. We were in between Lunch and Dinner so the restaurant didn't have many people in but it is so nicely decorated/great setting that there still was a good atmosphere. And I always enjoy my time with Enid so we don't necessarily need a big buzzy atmosphere anyway.
We pottered into the Stephen's Green SC as I wanted to look at something in a shop, and from there we then headed to Farrier & Draper on South William Street. F&D is within the old Powerscourt Townhouse, now the Powerscourt (shopping) centre, and takes its name from two age old trades that were practiced within the walls of Powerscourt: the farriers who shod the horses of the aristocracy and drapers who operated in the building (for over 140 years! From the middle of the 19th century right up until the 1970s).

We neither got our horses shod or bought new clothes and instead drank espresso martinis. And more nice chats.
And then! We moved to The Dean Hotel for a Whiskey Tasting with Powers, hosted by Powers and the Irish Times.

Well this was just wonderful. I learnt so much and have a much better appreciation for whiskey now - it's not a drink that would be my preference ordinarily. We were doing live tweeting during the event so if you want to find out more search #PowersWhiskeyWisdom
Friday evening Enid and cousin Kasey called over for some nibbles and drinks. Which Enid did everything! I mean everything! She brought over all the food (crab claws mmm, and other stuff) and the wine. It was all lovely and we had a great night of chatting.

Saturday (1)
Up early and headed to The Odeon on Harcourt Street to meet members of my company's Diversity & Inclusivity Group to help set up and run our pre-Pride Parade event.

Here's our merry gang of volunteers slash party planners. Great venue, great people, great atmosphere and it all worked out for a smashing morning for all!
Saturday (2)
We then headed down to St Stephens Green to assemble for the parade.

It was a long time standing round but the sun was shining bright and hot, and the atmosphere was super. And off we set! There was a new route this year and I was not bowled over with it (I like our parades to go down O'Connell Street) but I did think the ending place for the main Pride party of Smithfield worked well.

A few of us ended up in Delaneys on South King Street for a debrief, relax and few drinks.
Saturday (3)
I left Smithfield around 5.30pm and set off walking home but realised quickly that I was quite far away from my place so I jumped in a taxi. I needed to be home asap in order to get ready for Jackie and Gillian calling around. I had intended doing some cocktails but I was just too tired after the long day of Pride.
So I just did some quick nibbles, and chips and dip, and we drank Proseccco - actually after such a long day I only had a small drop of Proscecco and instead had two cans of Coke Zero which seemed to re-energise me so that was good!
Saturday (4)
Nolita on George's Street was venue number one where we met up with Kamilla and all her friends.

Kamilla is heading back to Poland :-( after eight years in Ireland.
Nolita was good - busy, and good music. I must say though I thought it would be more jammers considering it was Pride and we were on George's street (which would be a gay district in Dublin) but maybe all Pride attendees were up on Capel Street at Pantibar??
Sunday (1)
At around 12.30 we headed around to Lillies.

I guess we were a little early so it was quiet enough...but there was some good music playing. However the long day had taken its toll on me and I left at about half one.
This morning I am due to meet Enid and Alice for food and chats. I love our catchups...
Then I need to go to Lidl to get my food shopping for the week - I need to get back to good eating, plus I have schedule planned to get back into my spin classes this week also.
Then later today Enid and I will meet two of our friends from Key West who are touring Europe - France, UK & Ireland.
Phew! That's a lot. As I said that is probably me done for a month now.