Sunday 7 September 2014

Hasselback Potatoes

Hasselback potatoes - a success, but could be better.

First I cut them the potatoes into the "hasselback" shape. I need to buy myself a new knife - I did find this difficult to do, plus as you can see there were some casualtys!

I also got obsessed with the fact that some of the recipes I read said I needed to "fan" out the potatoes once cut.  And mine did not "fan" naturally.
As it happened, this did not seem to matter in the end so my advice is don't worry about that step.

Drizzled and rubbed olive oil into the potatoes - based on the end result I think I either needed more olive oil on them initially or should have added some more on half way through...
Good sprinkle of sea salt.

End result!
Definitely they looked good, and they tasted nice as well.  But I think the texture could have been "crispier" on the outside.  I think extra oil might have helped this.  Plus also I want to check in with my mother how she makes her roast potatoes - I may try a higher temperature next time.


  1. Donal Skehan recommends placing potatoes on a wooden spoon when cutting them. The rim of the spoon stops the knife going too far.

  2. That does look yummy. You should give Enie cooking lessons.
