Saturday 28 November 2015

Winter cleaning

 Underneath the stairs had become a right old dumping ground so today I cleared it out.
I cleared out a lot of shoes and a big load of handbags.  And a big load of sports equipment - badminton racquets, tennis racquets and mountain climbing equipment (a pick axe and crampons).
Also stored under the stairs was the big container of Harry's food.  Once I cleared underneath the stairs it looked a bit strange, just the food sitting there and I like it completely clutter free - so I needed to find a better place for the food.
Behind a door in our kitchen is the washing machine and a small space for storage.  I call it the utility room but it's not a utility room at all...just a space...behind a door.  It was pretty cluttered there also.
So I cleared it out and pulled the items used most regularly to the front - there's Harry's food on the left and the washing powder on the right.
I feel much more Zen now that those two spaces are decluttered.  I am going to do some more decluttering before I put my Christmas tree up.

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