Saturday 7 November 2015

Bank reunion

 Back approx. 1998 and at the start of my working life I worked as a teller in a bank in Dublin. 
There I met two wonderful girls who I have kept in touch with ever since.  Part of the reason it has been easy to keep in touch is that our birthdays are all within a couple of days of each other.
 I am the 12th of Nov, Louise is the 13th and Ann is the 16th - so at a minimum we always meet up at least once a year for "the birthdays", but we also try and meet maybe once or twice throughout the year also.  In addition to that the two ladies and their families have also gone to the same resorts for their summer holidays and had wonderful times as a big group of children and adults.
In the last few years we have made sure to get a photo of the three of us on the night (and save it) so we have a nice little collection building.  This year - yesterday - we met in Louise's house before going out and had fun with her oldest boy who kindly took some photos of us and we picked a good one from that.  The good one is ABOVE!
Down below is a photo that gave us a great laugh at the time and throughout the night.  Cian suggested he take a photo of us "on the stairs", and while we thought it was going to come out "funny" we didn't realise how cheesy and bad it would come out.
Doesn't this look like one of those photos you see on internet pages called things like "awkward family photos from the 1980's" or "weird sister photos".  Ok so maybe I am exaggerating a little bit, but compared to the photo above, how hilarious is the photo below?!

1 comment:

  1. Great write up Amy...we should have got one sitting on the couch ! Maybe next year ....
