Saturday 5 March 2016

Marketing,,,it's the little things

This weekend it is Mother's Day on Sunday.  Well in Europe anyway, I believe Mother's Day is on a different date in the USA. 
I was talking to mam during the week and she said to get her nothing (of course, as she always does) but I had it in my head if I could find something small for her (of course, as I always do) would be nice.
During the week I was in Starbucks on O'Connell street during my lunch break when at the till, in amongst the gift cards the below caught my eye
It's just a little credit card size wallet/envelope for placing a giftcard
But isn't adorable?!
So I bought mam a giftcard and it is in the little wallet ready to go into a card.  She goes to Starbucks once a week to meet a friend so this card will buy the coffees for a couple of weeks.
I hope she likes it!
(I do think she will* - it's cute but practical)
*Co-incidentally when I told my twin sister that I had got this for mam, she said "I was going to get that for her!!! I saw it the other day".  Now she is mad because she is going to have to think of something else.  Hey what can I say, you snooze, you lose!

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